Monday, September 24, 2012

Kitchen Kolors II

The Next Generation
Spiral Center with 2 colors

With A, start with magic ring, ch 1, (sc, hdc, 3 dc) all into ring, drop A, DO NOT FASTEN OFF; following the A sts, join B with an sc in the ring, work (sc, hdc, 3 dc) all into same ring, drop B, DO NOT FASTEN OFF.
Rnd 1: Pick up A, work 2 dc into each B st – 10 dc A; Drop A, pick up B, work 2 dc in each on the next 5 stitches. ending with hdc, sc, sp over next 3 stitchs,  Cut B work in end,

Pick up A, work 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 sl over next 3 sts, then refer to Round 2  "the foundation round" on the basic trivet pattern to complete.

Spiral Center ( 3 colors )

With A, start with magic ring, ch 1, (sc, hdc, 3 dc) all into ring, drop A, DO NOT FASTEN OFF; following the A sts, join B with a sc in the ring, work (hdc, 3 dc) all into same ring, drop B, DO NOT FASTEN OFF, join C with a sc in the ring, work (hdc, 3 dc) all into same ring, drop C Do NOT FASTEN OFF.

Rnd 1: Pick up A, work 2 dc into each B st – 10 dc A; Drop A, pick up B, work 2 dc in each of the next 5 stitches; drop B pick up C work 2 dc in each of the next 5 stitches. End color B and color C by working a hdc, sc, sl stitch over next 3 stitchs,  Cut B and C and work in ends.  Pick up A, work 1 hdc, 1 sc, 1 sl over next 3 sts,  DO NOT FASTEN OFF   (30 sts)

Foundation Round
Round 2: Sc in next st (*ch 21, being very careful not to twist the chain, sc in next st, skip 1 st, sc in next 2 sts) repeat from *, ending with sc in last st, sl st in first sc, ch 1 do not turn. (10 chain loops; with 2 sc and 1 skipped st, between each loop)

Refer to Round 3 "Setup round" on the Kitchen Kolors basic trivet pattern to complete.