Garden and Yard Stuff and Nonsence

Take your unwanted old CD's that don't work anymore, string two together, label to label, or shiny side outward and hang them in the garden to scare away the marauding critters that are intent on raiding your garden. They also add a shiny twinkle when the sun shines on them.

It is that time of the year again. Grab your old Panty Hose and a scissors. Cut one leg from the panty hose. Gather up all those pesky little ends of bath soaps that got to small to use in the shower but are too big to throw away and drop them down into the toe part of the leg. If you don't have any ends, drop in a bar of hand or laundry soap.  Tie the top of the leg to the outside faucet pipe close to the house and let it hang down but it should not touch the ground. Wet your hands and lather with the soap filled part of the hose. The soap will lather your hands right through the nylon and it is always handy for quick outside clean-up. No more muddy kitchen sink.  Panty hose strips are excellent for tying up plants.

I center my outside solar lights in flowerpots so they can be placed anywhere in the landscape where I wish to have light. I prefer the clear glass solar lights over the gold as they cast a brighter light therefore are more practical to my way of thinking.
Pots can be moved to accent a flower in bloom, lighten a gloomy spot or light up a walkway.

I also put pots with solar lights on my deck railing to cast a soft light the deck without burning my porch light. If there is a power failure, I bring the pots with the solar lights into the house. They are more than adequate to light my rooms and last for hours. They should be put back outside at daylight, even if it is raining because they do not need direct sun to recharge.

A flock of birds is called a Flock but did you know a flock of crows is called a "Murder" ? Yes I have done some research on crows. I have a large variety of birds that feed in my yard daily. I had a murder of crows bullying the little birds in my yard and wreaking havoc on my feeders. I did not want to kill them (illegal here in NC) but I did not want to feed them either. Banking on the suspicious nature of crows I decided to see if I could trick them. I did this by placing or repositioning a few different items in my yard each day. I moved the items after dark. All were placed within an imaginary circle 10 and 12 feet surrounding my feeder pole. All were repositioned daily if they were not removed. This method did not affect my other birds who feed as usual.

You may pick your own but this is a record of items I used per day:
1 a very large clay pot
2 removed pot, set out empty 1 gallon milk container
3 set out empty oval plastic planter
3 reposition plastic planter turned over on side, removed milk container
4 reposition plastic planter, turned upside down, add empty two liter pop bottle.
5 remove plastic planter, added large clay pot, added empty 3 pound coffee can shiny bottom side up.
6 reposition pot, put out 1 gallon milk container, reposition coffee can
7 remove pot, set out large ceramic turtle planter full of water
8 set out 3 foot length of old black soaker hose, moved turtle planter, refill with water
9 removed coffee can, put out empty two liter pop bottle. move turtle planter.
10 removed hose and turtle planter, set out gallon milk container and mesh potato bag
11 removed pop bottle, set out 2 bricks on narrow edge so they would look tall
12 set out several black garden nursery 1 gallon plastic pots, removed pop bottle
13 reposition pots, attached a child's balloon
14 added empty 3 pound coffee can shiny bottom side up
I am sure you get the idea. Crows are clever so you must change the items daily or at least move them. I am crow free !   Now to work on the squirrels.
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  1. Thank you for the clever crow idea! I am moving to Michigan where they have big crows, and I don't know if they will be pests or not. I had to laugh when I read your solar light tip because I, too, run outside if the lights go out, and gather the solar lights.

  2. I found a spray at Walmart to repel squirrels. The ingredients were: egg shells, peppermint, cinnamon and rosemary oil. We're going to give it a try to keep them away from our pecan trees.
    We're going to collect the shells. Mash them and soak or heat them in water. Then strain and add the oils...we hope it works. Good luck with your squirrel problem.
